Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Application deadlines EXTENDED for GHC 2010 scholarships & K-12 Teachers Workshop

The following deadlines have been extended:

Friday, May 21, 2010 - Deadline for GHC 2010 Scholarship Applications. Students, junior faculty, NGO members and nonprofit employees are eligible to apply.

Monday, May 24, 2010 - Deadline to apply for K-12 Computing Teachers Workshop at GHC 2010

For more information see


From Heather:

The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing is a series of conferences designed to bring the research and career interests of women in computing to the forefront. Presenters are leaders in their respective fields, representing industrial, academic and government communities. Leading researchers present their current work, while special sessions focus on the role of women in today's technology fields, including computer science, information technology, research and engineering.

Past Grace Hopper Celebrations have resulted in collaborative proposals, networking, mentoring, and increased visibility for the contributions of women in computing.

In the past we have had several students attend this conference (Beibei Yang, Mary Beth Smrtic, and Kate Tsui).

If you are interested in attending, there is still time to apply for a student scholarship

Here is the link to the scholarship Application:

Apply for a scholarship - it's easy!

Another way to cover the cost of attending would be to apply to be a Hopper (a volunteer). Applications for this will open up in July of 2010. Hopper Info


Heather Byrne (hbyrne@cs.uml.edu)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fwd: [Msgs] Grace Hopper Student Scholarships

From Heather Byrne:

The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing is a series of conferences designed to bring the research and career interests of women in computing to the forefront. Presenters are leaders in their respective fields, representing industrial, academic and government communities. Leading researchers present their current work, while special sessions focus on the role of women in today's technology fields, including computer science, information technology, research and engineering.

Past Grace Hopper Celebrations have resulted in collaborative proposals, networking, mentoring, and increased visibility for the contributions of women in computing.

In the past we have had several students attend this conference (Beibei Yang, Mary Beth Smrtic, and Kate Tsui).

If you are interested in attending, there is still time to apply for a student scholarship - application deadline is Friday May, 14 (Midnight CDT)!!

Here is the link to the scholarship Application:

Apply for a scholarship - it's easy!

Another way to cover the cost of attending would be to apply to be a Hopper (a volunteer). Applications for this will open up in July of 2010. Hopper Info


Heather Byrne (hbyrne@cs.uml.edu)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Grad students! Come vote for the 2010-2011 CS Grad Student Organization board on Tuesday 5/11 @ 12:30pm in OS 219a

Greetings fellow graduate students,

The 2010-2011 CS Graduate Student Organization (CSGSO) board will be elected on Tuesday (May 11) at 12:30pm in the CS Library (OS 219a).

The nominations in chronological order are:
  • President (coordinator, get guest speakers, fund raising) -- Mark Sherman, Munjal Desai, and Srinivas Kota
  • Vice-President (coordinate Home and University day) -- Himabindu Sanagavarapu, and Curran Kelleher
  • Secretary (website, note taker) -- Abe Shultz
  • Treasurer (accounting, reimbursements) -- Heather Byrne
  • GSA representatives (2; attend GSA meetings) -- Himabindu Sanagavarapu, Stephanie Li, Dan Brooks, Liuying Peng
All Computer Science graduate students are invited to vote!
If you like what CSGSO has done for the department in the last year, please help us continue!

All nominees:
To get elected, you are required to attend the meeting and provide a short speech on what you plan to bring to the CSGSO before the vote. Elected board members should stay to discuss administrative details.

Thank you!

Beibei (Betty) Yang
CSGSO President